Any Way to Block News Feed From the Kardashians

Tired of Kim Kardashian trying to break the Internet? Then break free of any Kardashian-related news with KardBlock, a new app that erases any mention of the family famous for being famous from your web browsing experience.

"If there's anything on your newsfeed, the website you're on, whatever, we simply make it disappear," developer James Shamsi explains in a beta launch for the AdBlock program created to erase the Kardashians. "You won't ever know the stories about the Kardashians are there, because you won't ever see them."

If you're too lazy to download the app, simply cease to acknowledge the family's existence, stop clicking on and/or sharing stories about them, stop complaining about them on social media and stop ogling pictures of Kim's butt.

This has been a public service announcement.


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